Society of Virtue is a Brazilian animation series in style of motion comics launched in 2017 by Ian SBF and Thobias Daneluz.

The episodes comically parodies superherous, comics and science fiction in general, covering various topics from morals to marketing. Seeing the initial success of production, they also started producing webcomics and print editions. The episodes are launched on two Youtube channels: Society of Virtue ( with original voice in English ) and Sociedade da Virtude ( dubbed in Brazilian Portuguese ).

I worked at the channel since the beginning, from April 2017 until February 2020. I was one of the animators of the episodes based on the scripts of Ian SBF and illustrations of Thobias Daneluz, the creators of the show. The Motion Comic style was a big challenge for us because as the illustrations were made to look similar to comic books, they have so much details that limits some characters movements. So, we had to be more focused on camera movements, dialogues , special effects and lipsync. The game here was to simulate some movements only using the camera and the edition. 

In this video I selected some of my favourite scenes that I animated on this almost 3 years working at the channel. All the episodes were made on After Effects. If you wanna see the entire episodes, you can acess the channel with the language that you prefer: Society of Virtue ( EN ) | Sociedade da Virtude ( PT BR ).
2017 ~ 2020
Animation: Douglas Escamilha, Pola Lucas, Gabriela Milanelli, Heloyza Nunes, Leonardo Amaral.
Illustration: Thobias Daneluz, Guilherme Lobão and other invited artists.
Screenplay: Ian SBF and Guilherme Portella.
Sound Effects: Overloud Studio.
Recorded at: Black Ibex Studios. Los Angeles, CA.
Dubbed at: Beck Studios.
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